Etiket arşivi: 11.2×24 tyres CP

How select tyres for Center Pivot Irrigation?

How select tyres for Center Pivot Irrigation?

The following tire sizes offers distinct advantages and helps meet varying requirements of different soils and irrigation practices:

11.2 x 24–One of the most common tire sizes on new pivots. An economical choice where track problems are not a huge concern. Frequently specified for systems that operate fewer than 1,000 hours or areas with a sandy or sandy loam soil structure.

14.9 x 24–This size offers more flotation than the 11.2 x 24 and is an excellent choice for systems with longer spans or larger pipe. Farmers using their systems 1,500 hours or more a year should consider this size.

16.9 x 24–Recommended for the most difficult conditions where tire tracks can create problems. This tire size offers the most flotation, and reduces ground pressure more than any other irrigation tire. On soil structures that do not readily allow water absorption or on very uneven terrain, the 16.9 allows sufficient traction and keeps tracking problems to a minimum.

11.2 x 38–For maximum clearance between the ground and the drive tube. This taller tire allows you to make more pivot revolutions before the tire track becomes a concern.


These tire sizes come standard with galvanized rims
that prevent corrosion and add life to your system design. Please contact to Atlantis to get more information.